Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

My Mother's Day was absolutely perfect. I spent the day doing much of nothing.

I slept in and was treated to my hubby's delicious fried eggs for a late breakfast. It is the only thing the man can cook but boy can he fry up an egg! The boys were so excited to share with me all of their homemade goodies and Christopher surprised me with a gift certificate to Rey's Steakhouse in Cary (to go to another night sans's a little too pricey to take kids to). Landon and Carter (mainly Landon) then proceeded to pick up around the house, dust, and vacuum...all without any prompting. Best. Gift. Ever. We ate lunch and sat outside in the warm sunshine for a while, I took a late afternoon nap, and we finished our day by going out to dinner.

Being a parent is the HARDEST job out there. There's a lot of responsibility in shaping little human beings to be productive members of society. They make me HAVE to be a better person and think twice about all of my actions and words. I often screw up, but am quick to let them know when I do. And I am grateful to share this job with Christopher, my amazing husband. I couldn't do it without my tag-out buddy.

Mother's Day reminds me just how blessed I am to have this amazing title of mother.

And for a good laugh, me as a child making my mother earn her title of mother. Aren't I pretty (lipstick makes all girls pretty)?

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