Friday, May 2, 2014

Weekly Update: 10 Weeks

Yesterday, I passed the 10 week mark of pregnancy. One-fourth of the way! LOL

I'm trying to savor each moment of this pregnancy. This WILL be the last time I am pregnant and a lot of women, including myself, will tell you that they actually miss pregnancy. This is it for me so I'm just trying to enjoy it. I've been starting to feel much better, which helps me enjoy it more.

And finally, I've moved from the "looking fat" phase to "looking pregnant." People would look at me, look down at my belly, look back up at me really quickly, and get this confused/embarrassed look on their face. Now they get a surprised/happy look on their face because it's getting pretty obvious that it's not just fat. That's always nice. I'm not wearing maternity clothes yet because I've been rocking my dresses (glad the weather has been nice enough for this), although some of those are looking a little short in the front from where my belly jacks up the front.

The baby is the size of a kumquat (whatever that is) and has completed the most critical part of his/her development. All the organs are there and working and the hands and feet have lost their webbing.

My genetic testing and ultrasound are scheduled for May 21. So in less than 3 weeks, we'll know if we're having a girl or boy!!! We're looking forward to that very much. My next regular pre-natal checkup is May 23 so no more appointments until the genetic testing.

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