Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Personal Space Issues

My sweet little Landon has turned into a bully this past week at school! And it looks like it stems from his sense of personal space. He's been pushing his friends at school due to their lack of understanding of where his bubble is! He's pushed kids away from him in the bathroom and in line telling them that they are too close to him, and has pushed kids out of play areas telling them there is no room for them!

We've talked to him about alternative ways to handle the situation, we've talked about how it makes other people feel, we've talked about how it makes God feel and what God wants us to do, we've made wishes in the "wish bottle" that he doesn't push his friends, we've put him in time-out, we've taken away privileges (like TV and candy - his 2 favorites), we've taken his reward chart train down to nothing, and we've whipped him. We remind him at night, when we gets home and in the mornings. And he acts like it sinks in. Then I go to school to pick him up to find out that he's done it again!

So what do we do? Is he in a phase? Is it just his age? When is a phase not a phase? When do you have to start worrying that you kid actually is a bully?

By the way, anyone that has used the quote "terrible twos" obviously doesn't have a 3 year old!

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