Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Finally...we have motion!

Carter finally crawled!

(Yes, he's just crawling at 11 months old...and there's nothing wrong with him! PS - If you are ever in a conversation with someone about their "slow" child, never say "He's not sitting up/crawling/walking/talking yet?" with a look of shock. This parent has probably been tormenting themselves for quite a while wondering what is wrong with their child and comparing him/her to every other child their age (and younger!) that's doing the things that he/she is not. They've had multiple conversations with their doctor about therapy and disabilities and have been assured that he's long as he makes progress with each visit, there is nothing to worry about. If they are talking to you about it, that probably means that they're finally ok with it and realize that there is nothing wrong with their child. Don't put that worry or doubt back into their head.)

And to top it all off...he pulled up to standing!!!

Maybe he'll just start walking (I mean only animals crawl on all fours, right?). Or maybe he won't walk until he's 18 months (or later!). Either way...I'm okay with it. My Carter is perfect.

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