Tuesday, July 6, 2010

And The Jokes Keep Coming...

Ya'll know I think Landon is the funniest kid ever. Here's more proof...
  • He & I were having a discussion in the car about his day at school...what he ate, what he sang, what he read, what he learned, etc. Well, it was more like me asking and him never remembering. Then he flat out said "I don't have any brain left - I can't think anymore".
  • Apparently I wasn't leaving daycare fast enough for him one day. And naturally he said to me "Vamanos Mommy!"...for my non Spanish-speaking readers, that means Let's Go!
  • His MeeMee called one day and asked to speak to him. When I asked if he could speak to her, he replied "Sure I can talk to MeeMee...I'm not too busy"!!!
  • We were talking about our first house in Youngsville and he asked "when I was a kid, did I live in a house by myself?".
  • They have a number system at daycare for behavior (1-5, 5=good, 1=bad). I expect him on 5 every day, and he generally is on 5. He had a rough week last week where he was on 3 and 4 each day. When we went on our weekly shopping excursion to Walmart last week, he asked if he could get a car (I let him pick out a Matchbox car if he's had a good week at school and is a good boy at Walmart). I told him that he didn't have a good week so he couldn't have a car. He looked straight in my eyes and said "Mommy, why don't you just think about that for a little while"!!!
  • And the last week's moment where I needed a hole to crawl in...A very tall mom was walking in daycare as I was getting the boys in the car. Seriously, she was like almost 7 feet tall. Landon says (very loudly), "LOOK AT THAT BIG MOMMY"! I prayed that she didn't hear him but knew she had to. I saw her smile in the reflection of the door, then she turned around and said "don't worry, I hear it all of the time". I made sure she knew he was referring to her being tall, not the other kind of big!

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