Monday, November 22, 2010

Pre-Thanksgiving Weight Loss Plan

There's nothing more effective than a good ol' family stomach bug to shed off a few pounds. Carter threw up twice on Saturday (the first time at church - sorry church volunteers, I know you didn't sign up for that!). It hit Christopher's other end on Sunday (but only once so don't feel sorry for him). Then Landon woke up Monday morning at 4am throwing up. He continued to throw up every 15-20 minutes until 7am...Mommy in the bed with him with one hand on the trash can ready to launch it under his chin at the first sign of gagging, meanwhile soaking up the airborne germs. I've never seen a kid throw up upside down. No joke. His head was in the trash can and he kicked his legs up when he heaved. He also threw in some squirts for good measure. Then there's lucky me...6am until 1pm (7 hours) debating whether to sit or kneel every 20 minutes. Landon stayed home to take care of me. While I was throwing up he said to me "Glad it's not me"!!! Stinker.

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