Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Bad Day

Since August, Landon has been a perfect child at elementary school. His teacher has had nothing but good things to say about him, and he is excelling in his work. Until today...

I got that phone call that every parent dreads. That phone call that starts with, "Hello, Ms. Bagley. This is Ms. Bailey, Landon's teacher." Aw, hell.

Landon had a rough day. He had a hard time keeping his hands to himself (pushing, putting his hands on kid's shoulders, etc.), did not follow directions, hyper, and just could not focus.

I don't know if it was lack of sleep, a reaction to the stress that's been going on in our home lately (being a working mom of two boys with a house to take care of, mouths to feed, and many, many other things to do has been stressful on all of us; tempers are short), or maybe he was just having a bad day.

It was a long night in the Bagley house with many tears shed. I also had Landon write an apology note to his teacher.

It reads:
Ms. Bailey, I'm sorry for touching people. I'm sorry for not listening. I will be good. Landon

Let's pray for a better day tomorrow...


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