Sunday, April 22, 2012

Being a Mom of Boys

People ask me all of the time, "Don't you want a little girl?" If you had asked me that 3 years ago, I would have said YES! Now, I can't imagine my life without boys. I am a mom to boys. Mama's boys. There's a special bond between a mama and her son. One that cannot be explained in words. I am raising men. Men that are going to change the world. Men that are going to become kind, caring, strong, providing husbands. Men that are going to become daddies. Daddies that have the strongest muscles in the world. Daddies that can do anything.

I look at these two running in the grass, wild as mustangs, and I smile. I chuckle. My life is so full of joy and energy and dirt. Thank you, God, for giving me these boys. You knew exactly what I needed.

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