Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekly Update: 8 Weeks

(I'm a little late with this post but didn't want to omit it.)

Last Friday (4/18/14), I was 8 weeks pregnant. The baby is the size of a kidney bean and is developing its little webbed fingers and toes, breathing tubes, nerve cells in the brain, and eyelids.

We're so excited about baby #3 joining the family. And for those of you either rude enough to ask (snort) or nice enough just to wonder, yes, this baby was planned. Well planned. And prayed for. We've been trying for over a year (a very long, emotional 14 months). You see, I got pregnant with both of the boys the first month we tried (blessed, I know) and wasn't prepared for the struggles with this one. I struggled with wondering if I was too old (ha - we'll come back to that one), if all of the testing I had been through with my GI issues had affected my ability to get pregnant, if medicine that I was on (and depended on) was affecting my ability, if it just wasn't God's will, etc. I begged, pleaded, and bartered with God until I finally just gave in to Him. I fell down on my knees, arms open wide, and asked for Him to take over because I was done. That's what He was waiting for. And he blessed us with this pregnancy.

I am due the day before Thanksgiving, November 26. I didn't want a Thanksgiving/Christmas baby but at some point, you get over that and take what the good Lord gives you. A little turkey it is! I am having an ultrasound this Thursday and am looking forward to seeing the 4 chambers of his/her heart.

So apparently 35 is OLD for child-bearing. Because of this, I have to have some extra tests, ultrasounds, etc. A real morale booster, I tell you. But! We will be able to find out the sex of the baby at 12 weeks with some super fancy DNA testing that I have to have done (again, because I am old). And yes, we'll find out. We didn't find out with Landon (and it drove everyone, but us, nutso) but found out with Carter. We'll find out with this one too. I've already blogged my feelings on what I want, but will be completely and totally fine with whatever I am blessed with, son or daughter. For the record, I am Team Blue. Christopher and the boys are Team Pink (Carter's words..."I already have a brudder. I need a sister."

I've been really tired and super queasy from the time I wake up until I go to bed. The doctor gave me some great medicine (Diclegis) that really helps. And after figuring out that a Rx pre-natal that the doc put me on, that was supposed to help with nausea, was actually making me worse, I'm getting much better. I'm still a little finicky with food but find that each day is getting better and better.

Stay tuned for the week 9 update!


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