Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Bagleys Meet Ana

A few weekends ago, the Bagley Circus headed east to Carolina Beach, NC for a friend's wedding. All during Tropical Storm Ana. Bagley luck. :)

We were invited to their rehearsal dinner Friday night and their wedding on Saturday night. We had a little house rented across the street from the ocean. My in-laws were supposed to go with us to stay at the beach house with our babies while the Mr and I attended the festivities. Well...my sweet, little nephew Oakley decided to make his debut super early (the day before we were supposed to leave) so my in-laws were no longer available. After trying to give away a free trip to the beach during a tropical storm to a few folks, my friend and her son obliged. Thank you, Ms. Tracy and Chase!

We headed east at lunchtime on Friday and attended an awesome rehearsal dinner at Front Street Brewery in downtown Wilmington. At this point, slow-moving Ana was sitting about a hundred miles or so off the coast just chilling. The weather was still great. We had one good hour-long storm during the night while we slept.

We walked on the beach on late Saturday morning/early afternoon. The ocean was mad! The boys enjoyed playing at the water's edge (we didn't allow them to go in hardly any because of the strong undertow), and especially in the sea foam that covered the beaches from the churning ocean. We were approached by Time Warner News on the beach for an interview (why are you crazy people at the beach during a tropical storm?!). They interviewed me and recorded the kids playing. It aired that night and I had some friends in the Raleigh area that actually saw it! I haven't been able to find it online, but it aired. Yeah. I'm pretty much famous. Sweet Bird put her piggies in the sand for the first time! And we made a pit stop by Britt's Donuts! Mmmmmmmm!


 That night we attended their outdoor wedding at the bride's parents' home on the sound in Wilmington. The weather held out; we even saw a rainbow at the end of the ceremony. Nice touch! We moved into the huge tent for the reception and the bottom fell out. It was raining and winding like a tropical storm... The power went out. People cheered! The power came back on. People cheered! But we kept on eating, drinking, and dancing! Around 9:30 (about an hour before the couple were supposed to leave), the rain stopped and we thought it might be best if we head out. (Side note: When we arrived and drove down a one-lane dirt road and parked in a grassy field next to the house, I told Christopher that this probably is a bad idea.) When we left, there was a Mini Cooper that got stuck twice in the field. We were able to drive around that mud pit but got stopped at the end of the one-lane, one-way road out of there. One car had slid off the road up ahead. They were able to move that car over enough for folks to get by. Then the SUV in front of us got stuck in the mud twice. So, when it was our turn, the Mr floored it and slipped and slid our way out of there without getting stuck at all! (He's my hero.) What a great memory!

When we left Sunday morning, it was raining pretty hard and starting to flood. We met my college roomie for brunch and left the storm behind.

It was a great weekend for everyone, including Ana.


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