Monday, June 9, 2014


My boys are growing up. They no longer want to go with Mommy into the ladies' room when we're out and about. (And honestly, Landon is probably getting a little too old to come in.) So when I am alone with them, I grit my teeth and allow Landon or (gasp) both of them to go into the mens' room alone. I impatiently stand outside of the door waiting, waiting, waiting. And listening very intently. And watching the men that walk in there like a hawk giving them a look like I KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE AND I WILL TEAR YOU APART LIKE A LIONESS. Their instructions are: (1) Do not talk to anyone (except each other). (2) Do not look at anyone (except each other). (3) If anyone tries to touch you, scream to the top of your lungs. (4) Help your brother with soap, towels, etc., Landon. This includes small restrooms like at ChickFilA, but also larger ones like at the mall.

So I stand there, with a racing heart, waiting for my world to be right again...both of my birds under this mama's wing.


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