Thursday, June 26, 2014

Weekly Update: 18 Weeks

At 18 weeks, baby girl is about 5.5 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces. She is the size of a bell pepper.

I'm starting to feel her move more and more, and multiple times a day. They aren't just little flutters anymore...there are some full-out kicks and jabs. She doesn't seem as active as the boys were but that may prove to be different once I am further along.

No big changes since last week... still on NVP medicine and still have lower back pain and heartburn. I am hungry all the time (I'm trying to snack on good things like fruit but sometimes I just want a bag of potato chips). I am starting to notice that I am making more trips to the bathroom during the day (hence all the work bathroom selfies below) but only having to get up once at night. I am still an emotional wreck. I cry way to many times over things like TV shows (has SYTYCD been a little more emotional this season for any of you? No? Just me?), news articles, songs, anything...

Two weeks to go until I am at my half-way point!


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