Thursday, July 31, 2014

Weekly Update: 23 Weeks

Baby girl is 23 weeks today! She is a little over a pound and almost a full foot in length. She is the size of a large mango.

She's starting to kick so hard that you can see my stomach move now. Landon has seen it, Christopher has felt her, Carter doesn't care. LOL Nah...I'm sure he would...he's just never in the right time at the right place.

I've been suffering from a terrible cold/virus/sinus infection/crud since Saturday night and am not feeling much better. It started with a terribly sore throat for 2 days. Now it's moved into constant blowing of green junk and coughing and sneezing and just all around feeling bad. I think I've run a fever off and on, which makes my heart race when I do (which scares me). My breathing is pretty labored (sick + pregnant makes for extremely bad breathing). I hope to get over this soon...with the help of no medicine (yay, pregnancy!). This is the first cold I've had since pregnant though which is so different than my last two...I lived with sinus infections.

I've got plantar fasciitis in my left heel. Big girls, unite! It basically feels like I am stepping down onto a knife with each step. I've done some stretching, icing, and used KT tape on it, which actually help for a few days. I think this is just something I've got to deal with until my little bird arrives and I lose some of this weight.

Next step...preparing the nursery!!!

(Psssst...we have a name!!!! If I've seen you in person, I've probably already told you. It's not a secret, even though Christopher wanted it to be. But I haven't figured out if I am going to announce it on here before she comes. Email or call me if you know me IRL, I'd be glad to share. A clever little announcement may come here too...just need to think on that a little bit more.)


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